Caroline Kühn H.

I am a senior lecturer in the School of Education at Bath Spa University. In 2021 I completed my PhD at Bath Spa University focused on the underlying generative mechanisms that shape students’ agency in their university digital practice. I also hold a Masters in Educational Technology from the Open University of Barcelona.

I participate in academic networks relating to issues of social justice and education. I am an editor for the Journal of Critical Realism and I contribute to the running of seminars and a critical realist reading group interested in education.

My research interest is mainly focused on issues of social (in) justice, education, and technology. This work engages in the philosophy of social science with a particular focus on critical realism, social ontology and complex approaches to justice such as the one proposed by Nancy Fraser.


I am originally from Venezuela,  where I worked for 20 years, teaching Mathematics at different levels of Secondary School.  My initial interest in educational technology coincided with my move to teaching Mathematics at the University Simón Bolívar.  Here, alongside teaching a bridging course and undergraduates, I was part of the bridging course development team. This interest in educational technology became the theme of my master thesis: designing a website with cognitive tools to support disadvantaged students in their mathematical learning, as a part of the bridging course. Later this interest evolved into a more critical stance and thus an interest to explore how agency in digital spaces is shaped by the structured context where people find themselves.

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